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 MoViAn ® Family Constellations


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No human being is an isolated entity without ties ...

We are all connected, especially to our Family members and our ancestors, even if we don't know them personally.

Family Constellations allow us to open our hearts to those who came before us and influenced our life without us realizing it. This allows us to take root in the life force that is transmitted to us through the generations.


This methodology allows us to understand dynamics that perpetuate situations that cause us discomfort or malaise. One can understand and resolve, for example, why we always "fall back" in the usual relationships that do not satisfy our Being.


Through the Constellations you can explore anything that arouses emotional or practical upheavals in life: couple relationships, relationships with parents and their families of origin, relationship with money and businesses, professional success, orientation during critical moments of life (separations, illnesses, etc.), organic or psychosomatic disorders, traumatic events, major changes (births, marriages, etc.), clarification of existential doubts . 

The Family Constellations proposed by me refer to the MovIAn ® method (Integrative Movements of the Soul): the movements that have the power to orient and resolve, are those of Love that brings everything back into its original order, Love that does not judge but awaits and respects, honors, includes and completes; Love that repairs, heals, forgives and treats everyone equally in harmony with the laws of the Spirit; Love that frees the purest movement, the one that calls the Soul to the realization of its highest fulfillment; in fact, Love is Creator, Creation and Creature at the same time.

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The Constellations take place in group workshops or individual sessions , both face to face and online 


The representations in individual form are carried out with the support of symbolic objects and / or highly evocative cards that help to highlight the energies and "actors" involved in our system, clearly highlighting the unconscious pattern.


Le  on-line sessions , with equal effectiveness and "depth" of those performed in the presence, allow you to stay in your most intimate space and dedicate the best time to yourself, to serenely perform your own representation.

Donna sulle scale

Enrico is a precise, reliable, generous and respectful of the sensibilities of others. His method of working with constellations helped me understand aspects of my life that needed evolution.
Without knowing me, through the cards, he showed me the unconscious part of myself. It was a very nice and strong experience.
If you have the chance to meet him, take advantage of his skills.

Donna dal mare

I am pleased to review Henri's readings of the Constellations. On several occasions I have turned to him to be able to see more clearly some aspects of my personal and family life, and each time he has been enlightening. I also experimented with reading with my husband for a couple session which proved to be extremely useful in understanding some dynamics. It will be an experience that I will certainly repeat in the future.

Donna felice

.... I love his very much
sensitivity, delicacy and intuitive ability that puts in every gesture, in every word. Enrico is a conscious man who dedicates himself with genuine passion to human growth and therefore is of benefit to
people who turn to him as a holistic operator.
His careful and precise professional gaze is totally focused on the client's needs. In my view, Enrico embodies the spirit of the spiritual healer very well.

Henri Bilotta
Spiritual Life Coach
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